Medical Products

The cannabis plant and its healing properties have so far hardly been used or researched in modern medicine.

Only a few drugs with cannabis have been approved so far and there are not enough studies for more.

To change that, we are working with scientists on clinical trials that will allow new cannabis-derived drugs to be approved.

CBD EFFECT by dr. könig – Medical Line

CBD EFFECT by Dr. König is a high quality medical cosmetic product line with various indications for a better well-being. Natural ingredients foster sleep, concentration and relaxation.

Medical power for various conditions

The cannabis plant is very effective on core health issues of mankind. This is proven by studies and we are eager to obtain approval for new medicinal products containing cannabis. Here is a selection of diseases that could be treated with cannabis in the future:


RA (Rheuma), OA (Arthritis), Antinflammation

Chronic Pain

Psoriasis Atopic dermatitis

Diabetes and Weight Loss

COVID-19 and other viral infections

Medical Cannabis: Pharmaceuticals Development.

Medical cannabis has great potential and may help with many diseases in the future. Together with our partners, we are currently developing products that can be used for migraines, chronic pain, rheumatism, arthritis, diabetes and weight loss. Clinical trials are already underway for some and we are close to being ready for the market.

Contact us

World Health Tech is at the beginning of an exciting journey. We are always looking for cooperation partners who are interested in our idea and passion. Were we able to arouse your interest? Then let’s talk and get in touch: